Sunday, February 19, 2012

Take care

You can't build a bridge and get over everything.
Sometimes it takes years to build a bridge.
And sometimes it takes even longer to cross it.
We've all been hurt. 

     Have you ever burned yourself on a hot stove? It takes a while for that burn to heal. That burn always leaves a scar.. on the surface of your skin and in your mind to remind you to never get too close to the heat again. Well have you ever been through a bad relationship with a vile ending. It leaves you feeling less than heartbroken. Someone that once inhabited a place in your heart has left a vacant space. It's not easy to handle. The millions of tears shed from every broken heart around the world could create an ocean. 

     Being hurt one time is all it takes to make on intransigent when it comes to trust. Now imagine being hurt and broken-hearted over and over again. I can't even begin to explain the pain & misery one goes through. It takes time to get over something or someone and it takes a lifetime to build trust. Over time you begin to build a wall.. an impenetrable wall to protect you from being hurt again. It sucks because you can never let your guard down.
     I know how it feels to not trust people. I know how it feels to be heart broken. I know how it feels to be let down. I know how it feels to be alone. And I know how it feels when you burn your finger on a hot stove. You have to put a band-aid over the hurt until it heals. You have to lay the foundation to build your bridge. And when you're ready.. you have to cross that bridge. One day at a time. While your doing that, take time to share a few laughs, have a few drinks and enjoy life.

Until tomorrow comes.. take care for now
- Renard

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