Well I'm simply speechless. Its 2010 and I think back on a time where I was a naive child not giving any thought to the future. Whether it was 5 minutes into the future or 10 years; I never thought about it. Well its here and I welcome it with open arms. I don't want to recount 2009 and the events that happened but some things remain unforgettable. Right now I'm sitting and watching mTV wondering how people can actually watch this b.s. and be happy to bring in the new year in the freezing cold. Not to mention its also raining here in MD and there in NYC. But different strokes for different folks.
So here I am, nice and warm, kicking back with a breezer thinking about things that I could do differently when in all honesty I HATE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS! I guess its all the talk I don't like. I much rather go out and do it. So here is what I AM GOING TO DO IN 2010: Get a new car. What? I bet you thought it was going to be a long list. It's not. Tonight, like every New Years Eve there seems to be something special in the air. Something so liberating and cleansing that takes over your mind, body and soul... Or it might just be the alcohol for some. But whatever you do to celebrate the new year; today, January 1st 2010 marks a new beginning for so many of us.
Since I'm not of age I'm not with the rest of my associates partying it up. But next year. VEGAS BABY!!!!! So whether you party it up or enjoy a cozy *safe* night indoors I would like to wish you a Happy New Year from me to you. My best friend didn't even call me to wish me happy new year. No txt or anything. Just silence. But silence is golden. Watching the world premiere of Jay-Z's "On to the Next One" and just thinking "oh shit, this is the way to bring in the New year!" Hmm..hidden messages. I love em! Time to clean out the closet once again. This year will be 10x's better! Get it? Got it? GOOD.
*ON TO THE NEXT ONE* like Jay Baby!