Well I can't believe it's the end of June already. Actually I can. During the month of May to where I am today I have been taking a lot of time for myself. Some may question my exisitence in the world of technologhy. The truth is I never left. I have been sitting back and watching the days get longer and sweat while the weather got hotter. There have been changes in this guy I call "Kendrick"... change for the better. Not like a false promise made by delegates hoping to gain some type of following, but real change. It feels good to sit back and be alone but not lonely. Just me, myself and my thoughts.
Through the time of self reconstruction I smirked as my phone rung and no one answered. To tell the truth I rather throw my phone into a fire to be cremated than to listen to issues pertaining to the bullshit that comes with people having access to my number. The month of June had it's highs which outweighed the lows but all in all this month has been about reassurance. I have said what was on my mind and for once I don't regret anything. It' feels good. I feel like everything is coming full circle... like I'm coming into myself. Evolving. Living not Exisiting. Being what I long to become.