This blog should be called WHO I AM because as of late everyone seems to have these preconceived notions about who I happen to be. I use to say "I am whatever you think I am" because I simply didn't care about what others thought; now I'm putting it all out there. There are people who believe that I'm just another gay guy who is supposed to be flamboyant and worships Beyonce. I couldn't be further from that stereotype. I actually worship Rihanna. LOL, just kidding. I'm more than my sexual orientation. I'm a man that just happens to be attracted to other men and gorgeous women.
There are people who say that I scream SEX. Maybe it is because of my Scorpio horoscope. I don't know; I don't try to be sexy. I asked some of my close friends and they just said I give off a vibe and one said that it was all in my eyes. #KanyeShrug. Being sexy is not a bad thing I guess. You guys haven't seen me 1st thing in the morning. Some people think I'm self absorbed when I just really have a healthy amount of confidence and self-esteem but who wants to be a Debbie Downer?
I hate when people say that I'm trying to be something. As if everyday is Halloween and I'm just playing dress up. I don't like the term "trying"... I'm not trying to be anything. There's no adjective that can describe me. A lot a things that people assume about me are just that...assumptions. I don't dare to be different. I just am.
I love who I am. I own who I am. My body and my soul are the only things that truly belong to me in this life. No one and or no thing could take myself away from me. Who I am today will be who I am tomorrow... just another day wiser. ;-)
- Renard