So this year is all about moving forward correct? Well there have been snakes dwelling in my yard for too long and its time for me to bring out the lawn mower. That's right get rid of these pests which seem to pop up in text messages, random phone calls, and emails. One snake whose rent was due has gotten the eviction notice. This snake claimed to be my "bestie" while also being a "bitch". Here's how it all went down.
Snake: Are we even still friends? (after at least a month of not talking)
Me: Yea (I'm not going to deny someone who still wants to give it a try)
*A couple seconds later*
Me: You know I could really care less about the status of our friendship. I have my priorities and you have yours.
Snake: Thanks for being honest.
Snake: I usually don't keep friends this long anyway.
Later on that night I was on Twitter <---- follow on the side. And I spotted the snakes account and to my not so surprise the BIO section read: "LOVES SEX". Now me being the private person that I am... I do not like when people put themselves out there. So can you say #BLOCKED.
I get a txt later from the snake...it was some bullshit. I barely glanced and just deleted the message. My Reply was "its been over #okbye."
Sometimes you just have to let things go and move on. When you get bit by a snake they tell you to suck the poison out right? That's what I'm doing... sucking the poison out of my life.
Okay #NEXT
~ Kendrick
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