In this era of technological abbreviations it is a lot easier to communicate via web, phone etc... But is the ever advancing world of technology making private life not so personal?
Throughout the day I like to take to my blackberry and storm the web/facebook/twitter with things that happen around me and random ideas that just happen to pop into my head based off the trending topic of the day. While scrolling my never ending timeline I see information from those I follow which leave very little to the imagination.
Twitter/Facebook are some of the most self incriminating sites that people venture to each day. Some take to the web to rant about their "oomf" who called them at 3am last night and some, just to inform you of which song they are "now playing" (like we give a shit). There are those who go from married to divorced to widowed and then back to single within an hour and then there are people who just want to slap you across the face with a happy stick because they are having such an awesome day. Well I'm not happy.
People, WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW YOUR EVERY MOVE..and you shouldn't want us to. I mean think about it. Do you really want your serial killer looking stalker to know that your down the street at the local Starbucks enjoying a Venti Frappuccino? NO.. didn't think so. So next time you think about tweeting, posting a status, or informing the public that your down the street and around the corner REMEMBER that crazy follower "@desperatedebbie" or Facebook friend "Jerome "CaniGetyaNumber" Jenkins" is following everything you say/do.
Something to think about.
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