So it's a typical night and I'm sitting in front of 2 screens one hosting a myriad of tabs holding future shopping endeavors and the other showing "The Real World" (yea right). I'm up, as usual around 3:00 am trying to figure out how to make a change for the better being that its a new year and all.
So I come across a certain saying...NO question which states "Whats love without sacrifice?" OK NOW! I have had my fair share of the good, bad and the down right ugly side of relationships, but what happens when we actually find "love"? For some its nothing but a pure blissful MUTUAL connection for one another; but for some its just lust; SEX. Now based on a few years of experience I have learned to seperate the two. I have managed to keep the heart away from a not so serious relationships where I just do the dirt, pick up and move on. Now in the past when I was just a pure innocent soul I believed in true love and finding that quote on quote "ONE". All I have to say is FUCK THAT! Some may think I'm bitter but I don't live in a fairytale where everyone has a "happy ending"... well maybe. (lol)
There are exceptions to the rules of the Game of Love. I believe in "The Game of Like" where I can like someone, flirt all I want, say things I don't mean and everyone goes home happy. The whole "Game of Love" is a bunch of b.s. to me. There should be NO GAMES when dealing with love. We are mature adults so why don't we skip all the bullshit and get right down to what we really want? Do you want a dude with a car, a job that supports your established status in the world, fresh; looking like he just stepped down from the pages of a GQ magazine, slanging a 12+ and built like a Line Backer? or Fellas do you want a girl that has an ass that would but Kim Kardashian to shame, with mean skills in the bedroom and in the kitchen, fresh, flawless and looks like she just stepped off the runway for the Spring line of Dolce&Gabbana?
WELL WE DON'T ALWAYS GET EVERYTHING WE WANT. So we have *normal people* (who aren't so bad on the eyes either) to work with. When we first start "talking to" someone it seems all fine and good. But shit, what can he or she do that you can benefit from? Do they at least have a job and pushing a whip to make up for that jacked up grill? DAMN! But don't get me wrong it can be the personality that makes up for the lack of good looks and everything else. I personally like beauty & brawn. "Yes you can have your cake and eat it too (that's what cake is for) duh!" as my BFF would say.
So here is the answer to that question. Love without sacrifice just equals like. I like you but not willing to give up my lifestyle for you.
Remember you are a human 1st and everything else comes with the territory.
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