I'm back once again to blog about nothing, but I feel the need to add my .36839 cents into everything so here it is. I awoke out of my slumber way too early for anyone's comfort zone, avoided my mirror and headed down stairs dodging rays of sunlight peering through the blinds. Sound like a vampire right? The next thing your expecting me to say is that I had a vats of blood to go with the dry cereal I ate. Not at all just my favorite organic whole milk from Trader Joes. So here I sit on the couch in which it seems everyone inhabits when eating. I didn't even feel like turning on the blank screen that sat before me, mocking me with its reflection. I sat and took my first real breath of the morning which surprisingly smelled pleasant. (good toothpaste huh?) I gobbled down the meal of 40 something year old women on a diet (Cherrios) and just sat there gazing into the future of Kendrick.
Hmmm, I could lie and say the future looks fantastic; complete with a mini mansion which holds a three car garage, grotto, a butler, maid, an in home chef and Beyonce slaying in the living room. But to be brutally honest I see the future as most of us see it: uncertain. I have dreams that I would like to come true, I have many ideas and philosophies that I would love to share and goals that I would like to accomplish. So in the present time where I have so many questions and uncertainties I think about the future time and how much or how little time there is.
Time; we don't realize how fast it goes. Maybe because we sit in that boring class repeatedly looking at the clock to see if the hands have moved. Or maybe its that part time job where time seem drip drop like a broken faucet. The point is that we have so much time on our hands to get out and do the things we want to do but it is all about how we utilize those periods of "free time". Are we to enthralled with preexisting ideas or activities that we forget to make time for the things that we want to do or things that are important to us? Yes! And since we can not technically make time then your ass better become an insomniac quick just to keep up with the Jones'. Because the only time you ever catch me sleeping is when I'm tired of you hoes. Until then I'm going to wake my ass up early every morning or just say fuck sleep just to keep time and my future secure. I intend on having all of that mentioned above and more.
So for all of you who are sleeping or simply wandering around with your eyes wide shut. It's time to wake the hell up. Lets get it.
~ Kendrick
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