Lay off the PMS and get some damn MIDOL!! Sheesh! This force of nature made it Rain, NO Snow, sleet, Ice all over the place. Hitting the DMV pretty hard. We are talking about at least 3 feet of snow and here I am snowed in which I HATE! I don't like being unproductive and the only time I have free time is when I sleep... which rarely happens. lol. So the wrath of "Mother Nature" took at least two branches off the everlasting evergreen tree in the front yard. BITCH!! At least there was no damage to the property and everyone made it through night. I spent two days shoveling snow and it shows. I have a pathway through the "Great Walls of Snow" i built leading to the cars. All of the shoveling seemed pretty pointless being that the alley way is still completely covered with the white stuff.
Those damn meteorologist were very much on point with predicting the weather even though I consider them to be very unnecessary. I mean we could just look up at the sky and tell if we should grab an umbrella or a blanket and a picnic basket. Okay, I think I'm done ragging on poor Mother Nature for doing her job. Maybe if I was still a kid I would be as happy as a polar bear but I'm grateful that the storm wasn't worse. I grateful that the snow storm didn't come with earthquakes and tornadoes. (My love goes out to all of those suffering not only in Haiti but around the world. To the homeless children begging on the streets in Shanghai China to the abused animals wandering around looking for food.) *Yes I care about every creature big or small*
Well its Super Bowl Sunday and you know what the best part of it is: The Halftime Show! Hopefully it's actually someone I like this year. But regardless I will keep my eyes and ears open when it goes down. Uh, by the way who's playing this year? lol. I could care less when it comes down to it. My Ravens didn't make it this year. Can you say #NEXT? We shall see.
~ Kendrick
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