Okay so here it is; the first of the month. When women pick up checks and I realize its the time to return to school. Another new starts with this month as we all know it is Black History Month. But there is nothing like the 1st day of school. It was the night before the big day ( the return to class after a semester hiatus) and so many thoughts and emotions ran through my mind. Thinking of how this semester will be different to what I would wear on the first day back. I was in bed tossing and turning trying to keep my eyes shut like a child in hopes of Old Saint Nick bringing tons of gifts the next morning. I couldn't believe it; I couldn't sleep! I was excited, nervous, enticed, upset that I was as giddy as a school girl awaiting the arrival of junior prom.
I lay there thinking to myself "I've done this before too many times" but why is every time the same. Whether its the night before a big trip or that one hour before a blind date; I always seem to get excited. What causes this? Is it the fear and curiosity of the unknown or the inevitable question in the back of my head wondering if something could go wrong. Or maybe its that yearning to want to know more and discover new things. That sounds about right... But no matter how many times we experience "1st time events" in our lives there will always be that feeling of excitement and nervousness. Whether its the 1st breath of life or the 1st day of school. What makes the start of a new so enticing? MOTIVATION.
When we are born we have the motivation and drive to learn how to crawl, walk, run, then ride a bike, then drive a car. We are curious about everything around us because it is all foreign. We want to learn about new people, places and things. So as children we throw caution to the wind and just go with it. We as adults have built an up walls of emotion based on experiences throughout life. Some that may help us avoid awkward or dangerous situations and some that may hurt the opportunities of possible relationships and promotions in our lives. So the million dollar question is... Why do we let emotions get in the way of our own inevitable manifest?
~ Kendrick
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